Loretta Wirsing

Vocal/Piano Instructor
Contact Info

Loretta Wirsing

Vocal/Piano Instructor
Skill Levels
Beginning, Intermediate & Advanced Minimum age 10
Master of Music in Voice, Colorado State University
Bachelor of Music Education, University of Colorado
Voice/Piano Double Major, Loretto Heights College, Denver, CO. – 2 years
Private Vocal Study – 18+ years
Private Piano Study – 14 years

Loretta Wirsing currently teaches at the Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center, in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. She believes that this beautiful facility is the perfect place to share her life-long love of music by imparting to her students the knowledge and experience gained through many years of study, performance and teaching. Primarily a vocal instructor, she accepts beginning, intermediate and advanced voice students from the minimum age of ten and adults of all ages. Additionally, she accepts beginning and intermediate piano students from the minimum age of six and adults of all ages. Loretta has earned the degrees of Master of Music in Voice from Colorado State University and Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Colorado.

Loretta’s love of music was evident at the early age of two when, at family gatherings, she entertained with songs and movement. At three years of age, she recalls trying to sing along with the soprano that she heard on the weekly Metropolitan Opera radio broadcast. Also, at age three, she began dance lessons and continued her studies through her sophomore year in college. At six years old, she began piano lessons and continued studying through her sophomore year in college with a double major of voice and piano. Loretta sang, danced, acted and played piano through-out elementary and high school. Frequently, she was given solos in choir and leading roles in school productions. Formal voice lessons began at the age of thirteen and continued through graduate school and beyond. Vocal scholarships were awarded to her from Loretto Heights College, The University of Colorado and Colorado State University. During this time, she was a finalist in the Metropolitan Opera Regional Auditions in Denver, Colorado. After completing her Master’s Degree, Loretta moved to Washington State where she continued vocal studies, performed in a variety of musical settings, and taught both voice and piano. As a life-long learner, she is dedicated to continual self-improvement as a musician, teacher and singer.

Loretta is a Lyric Soprano. Her performance experience includes Opera, Musical Theatre, Oratorio, Church, Recital, and Ensembles. Because she loves to act as well as to sing, she has gravitated to theatrical performances as her favorite avenue of expression. Opera performances include the role of Pamina in Mozart’s “Magic Flute”, Antonia in Offenbach’s “Tales of Hoffman” with a Denver Opera Company, Leonora in Beethoven’s “Fidelio”, Donna Elvira in Mozart’s ”Don Giovanni”, and Violetta in Verdi’s “La Traviata” (her favorite role) at Colorado State University. Musical Theatre experience includes dancing and singing chorus in “Annie Get Your Gun” and “Finnian’s Rainbow” during her freshman and sophomore years at Loretto Heights College in Denver, Colorado. As the soprano soloist with the Masterworks Ensemble in Olympia, Washington, Loretta performed in several concerts including, Handel’s “Messiah”, Beethoven’s “Ninth Symphony”, Mozart’s “Requiem”, Brahm’s “Requiem” and more. She was the featured soloist in an all Mozart Concert singing Mozart’s Motet “Exultate Jubilate” for soprano soloist and orchestra. Special performances included an Easter Sunrise Service at the Washington State Capital Rotunda singing Mozart’s “Alleluia” and an appearance with the Olympia Symphony Orchestra performing Violetta’s aria from act one of “La Traviata” as vocal winner of the Symphony’s audition contest. As a Seattle Opera Preview Artist, Loretta gave programs at the homes of Opera Guild members explaining the opera story from the character’s point of view and singing an aria from the upcoming opera. As a member of the St. Martin’s College Consort, she had many opportunities to sing Sacred Music from the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical Periods. She was a recitalist and frequent church soloist in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Colorado and the Director of Choral Music at two area churches in Olympia, Washington.

Loretta encourages the pursuit of vocal training for anyone who wishes to improve their singing skill for personal growth and enjoyment as well as those who aspire to sing in school productions, prepare for college auditions, or desire to pursue a musical career. Utilizing classical, traditional and musical theatre repertoire, students learn solid vocal technique and proper breath management while singing songs that fit their individual personalities and vocal needs. She believes that proper singing technique is the foundation for limitless possibilities in creating music in all genres.

Teaching Experience
Private voice instructor – 20 years
Private piano instructor – 10 years
Graduate Teaching Assistant – Colorado State University
Adjunct voice faculty member-Colorado State University
Voice Instructor-University of Puget Sound Community School
Choral Music Director – two churches in Olympia, Washington

Professional Affiliations
National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS)
Sigma Alpha Iota Professional Music Fraternity